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Vivens Joachim Column Picture ProfileHaitians, the Proud and Stupid Bunch! No Offense!
By:Vivens Joachim, NTK Contributor

...let's build a nation worthy of the concrete accomplishments of our ancestors. If we have something to show for it (economic opportunity for all, an education and political system that seeks to foster greater social engagement, etc…), then we won’t need to be on the defensive all the time. Until then, let’s be humble and honest. We’ve yet to accomplish ... More>>

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La transpiration excessive des pieds peut se cacher mieux par rapport du cas précédent. Mais si on ferme les jambes dans les chaussures hermétiques, nous courons un risque d`infestation de la peau par des moisissures et des parasites qui aiment l`environnement humide. Si nous choisissons des pantoufles ou des sandales, les pieds glissent et grâce à la sueur ils se salissent très rapidement. En outre, par la décomposition des bactéries dans la sueur naît une odeur désagréable. La peau troublée et irritée ne laisse pas attendre longtemps.

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Vivens Joachim Column Picture ProfileWhy Education Matters to Haitians?
By:Vivens Joachim, NTK Contributor

With the right education, we can build a strong Haiti that can stand up to the challenges it faces everyday. Let's seek to empower those who are deprived of rights and privileges because of their social status. Men and women must work side by side in equally respected roles and responsibilities for a family to create a better future for the children of tomorrow. Environmental degradation is a problem to which we all contibute (charbon, recycling, broken cars in the street, etc). So we all have a responsibily to help Haiti heal. More>>

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